Monday, May 6, 2013

WOW! Has it really been that long?

Hi everybody, and welcome back...or is it you that should welcome me back?  I took a bit of an hiatus to say the least.  Since my time as an elementary school librarian came to a close(December), I have moved on the the wonderful world of text book publishing.  I now spend my days walking the halls of college campuses, trying to find professors that need the text, and the digital solutions, that my company can provide.  Much of my time is spent looking through the windshield of my car if I am being honest.  And even more of it pacing the lonely halls of buildings that were built mostly in the fifties and sixties, looking for the faint light glowing under a heavy oak door.

I do enjoy the position.  I spent the better part of the last two decades working on college campuses, so I feel quite at home.  I think of the campuses much like I think of the elementary school kids I used to work with.  Some are small, some are big, some are fast, some are slow, some are skinny(Budgets) and some not so...but I think I like them all, no matter what type they are.

I am amazed though at the fact that, even on college campuses, there they break even teachers.  At the college level they are a bit harder to spot.  There aren't nearly the amount of hugs on campus with teachers as there are in the elementary school.   With college professors, you see it on the kids faces.  The kid who just got some basic math functions explained to him again, or the kid that just turned in a paper late and was greeted with a "Way to go!", instead of a stern look and a disappointed face.  How about the teacher that dresses in an ape suit on the day of their first exam to break the tension.  Or the teacher that never shuts his door and sits in his office in his bare feet while students work on their homework.

They are out there, friends, I've seen them!  And I hope to report back with many more amazing incidents in the near future.  Until next time, let me know what's going on in your world so I can keep my six readers in the know.

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